Please read through our FAQ below, as it may be an easy fix to get you back up and running in no time.
If you don't find anything helpful there, please create a support ticket using the form on this page and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Please include which version of Windows or MacOS you are running as well as details about your hardware or touchscreen so we can properly assess any problems you might be having
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FAQ & Troubleshooting
How do I install Yeco?
Please click here and follow the instructions on our install tutorial page here.
What versions of Ableton Live does Yeco support?
Yeco works with Live 9 and above.
If I don’t use Ableton, can I still use the Yeco’s MIDI Controllers?
Yes! You can do this but currently only on Windows machines. On the mac the MIDI port is only created when Live is open but we are working on it.
I want to use Yeco with my Mac. What’s involved?
How do I set up multi-touch on Mac etc?
Firstly, its worth saying that Macs do not support touchscreens out of the box like Windows do. You need to purchase a third party driver in order to run them. We use Touch-Base Ltd for this. This blog post gives a run down of what's involved plus instructions on how to do it yourself.
Do I need a touchscreen to use Yeco?
Yeco is a touch application yes, but you do not necessarily need a touch screen to use it. You can use it with the mouse and it also receives TUIO touch events.
Can I use Yeco on iPad?
Not currently, Yeco is for Windows and Mac computers with a touch display/monitor
Can I run Ableton Live on one computer and control it with Yeco on another computer?
Not currently. Yeco runs on the same computer as your Ableton Live installation is running on
Will Yeco slow down my computer?
The short answer is no. We have made Yeco to be as resource friendly as possible and we have not seen any evidence in testing that it has a noticeable effect on performance.
What does the licence cover?
Each licence can be used on up to three computers. If your hard drive fails or you switch to a new machine, we have your licence details and can recover your copy at any time. The licence covers both personal and commercial use.
Do you have plans to make a similar product for other DAWs?
Our focus now is on providing the best possible experience for Ableton users but we’re not ruling anything out for the future. We are open to suggestions and user requests. If you have any, please use the form on our contact page.
Yeco fails to open, and an error message states: “The program can’t start because msvcr100.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.”
To solve this you must download and install this Microsoft redistributable:
It is important that it is the x86 version of the redistributable.
Then restart your computer and launch Yeco again.