The Chords feature is present on the Drumpads, 8x8 Pad Grid, Keyboard and Hex Controllers. It allows you to assign chords to individual keys. This can significantly speed up your workflow and allow you to experiment
The MIDI keyboard has position velocity control on a toggle. It has large and small key modes, pitch and modulation controls, plus the slide toggle present on the pad controller. The keyboard has a channel pressure function which adds aftertouch controlled by sliding your finger up and down along the vertical axis. It also has assignable MIDI sliders, buttons and toggles plus access to rack controls.
Yeco’s pad controller displays pad names directly from Live. Each pad has positional velocity control which allows you to easily control the dynamics of your beats, chord progressions and melodies. You can set the direction of the control axis and also turn this feature off to set an absolute velocity for each pad. You can also choose the MIDI output channel and toggle sliding from pad to pad.
Yeco gives you access to all parameters of Live’s devices.
This is always present at the top of the window. You have controls for tempo, automation, time signature, metronome, quantisation and transport as well as undo & redo, clip editing controls, MIDI output selector and Yeco home button.
Add, Duplicate, Delete
Yeco displays the session view from Live including the clip grid, tracks, scenes, master and returns. It displays clip names, colours, playing positions and bar length. You can launch clips and scenes - add, duplicate and delete clips and tracks all from Yeco.
The sidebar contains the launch controls for the Mixer, Master, Returns, Devices, Browser, Pad Controllers, Keyboard, Hex Controllers, MIDI controls and XY Pads.
Recording Automation
Learn how to record automation with Yeco.
Recording Clips
Learn how to record and edit clips with Yeco.
Yeco has mixer controls for all tracks including the master and returns. There is a large fader for controlling levels with precision, accurate metering; plus controls for pan, sends, crossfade assign and crossfader. Each track also has controls for arm, solo, mute and stop.
MIDI Control Panel
This Panel consists of 56 independent, assignable MIDI control elements including: sliders, knobs,
buttons & toggles
Hex Controller
The Hex Controller uses an isomorphic keyboard arranged in a harmonic table note layout. The main feature of this layout is that you can learn one chord or scale pattern and transpose it to any key or octave by simply moving the pattern elsewhere on the grid. It has all the features of the pad controller and can be enabled in two different sizes.
XY Pads
Four very large XY pads for simultaneous dual parameter control with extreme precision.